Our Family


Pastor Prince Okechukwu

Lead Pastor

My wife, Dami, and I are passionate about Jesus and the building of His kingdom through prayer, evangelism, and community involvement. I am a passionate lover of God, with a deep desire to see people accept Jesus into their lives, experience the transformation on the inside through the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the renewal of their minds and be empowered to live for Jesus.

My passion and vision are to teach. and build God’s people with the undiluted word of God, ensuring that they are spiritually vibrant and societally relevant in their immediate context. I love connecting with people and tracing the faithfulness of God in their lives and experiences. I sincerely desire to come alongside God’s people and journey through life with them as a listening ear and discerning voice.

I hold an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Philosophy from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Enugu state, Nigeria, in 2014. I moved to Canada in 2013, settled fully in 2015, and the years following, I obtained a master’s degree, Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Pastoral Ministry, from Tyndale University, Bayview, ON, in 2019. I worked part-time at UPS (for over five years) and part-time at the Christian Centre Church while studying for my master’s. And I took on a full-time position at the church upon graduation. I am also in the third year of my Doctor of Ministry (DMin) studies in Leadership at Tyndale University.

I am a keen and passionate learner about personal and spiritual growth and development. I am passionate about teaching and preaching God’s word, and I genuinely believe in the power and potency of prayer (there is no time spent in prayer that is wasted). I love to cast vision and draw out workable plans toward accomplishing that vision.

I am an avid soccer fan and a supporter of the Arsenal Football Club in England. My all-time favourite player is Thierry Henry. I love taking walks and meeting the goals of my daily steps. I also enjoy working out at the gym as it helps clear my head and fuels me with energy for the tasks ahead. I love listening to podcasts on soccer, leadership, and faith. I also love listening to sermons daily and meditating with spirit-filled songs. I love reading the bible, books on leadership and faith, and journaling thoughts and ideas that pop up as I go along.

IEC Family, we are excited to start this fantastic journey with you. It is a season to pray, plan, persevere, and press into all God has for us. Thank you for having us! We are delighted to now call IEC home!

Pastor Michael Taylor

Worship Pastor

My purpose is to share God’s Word through the medium of music and art
throughout the world and help people worship Jesus Christ because of an
intimate relationship with God.

I am excited about meeting new people and pointing them to Christ in music.
My joy is to see others praise and worship God for who He is and for what He
had done!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

- Philippians 4:13

Pastor Darlene Simpson

Care Pastor

God has given me a heart of love and compassion, and I am privileged to share God's love and a word of encouragement as I visit with those who are sick or shut-in, or just need to have a friendly visit. We are called to be God's hands and feet extended, and IEC is like a family should be - a warm, loving network of people who truly care about each other.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
-Ephesians 2:10

Pastor Debbie Toker

Children's Pastor

My utmost desire is to inspire believers of all ages to know and follow Christ with all their hearts and get excited about His Word. I am believing that God’s church will see an outpouring of revival in this generation and passionately encourage others to pray toward this end. My favourite scripture instructs us that if we will humble ourselves and seek His face we will see God change us and will be an instrument of change in our nation.

Sueann Green

Youth Director

Sueann made a career in the early years field as an Early Childhood Resource Professional and dedicated twenty years of service working with the community to support children with special needs and their families. She recently ended this tenure to join the IEC family as the Youth Director and brings many skills to the youth and young adults department. She wholeheartedly desires to equip and release young leaders to be "an example to all believers" (1 Timothy 4:12) within the church body and their communities.

"At an early age, I was nurtured in my faith through mentorship I received through IEC's youth ministry. I discovered and developed my talent in dance and singing while serving on the praise team and dance ministry, which I currently lead to date. Throughout my young adult years I have served the youth directly and indirectly. Young people have always been a constant target wherever I serve. I love working with the youth! I have never laughed so much; it is a privilege to shepherd them!"

Roseline Ogbole



Elder Adewale Awoswanya, Chairman

Elder David Sappleton- Secretary

Elder Hector Simms

Elder Michael Ogbole

Elder June Mawhinney

Elder Mark Green


Grace Prendes

Laura Awosanya

Karen Garrett-Walker

Indra Ramsaran

Sheldon Turner

Jermaine Cunningham

Carol Clarke

Maxine Welch

Ionie Lewis